Colonic (colon hydrotherapy) is a safe and highly effective method to cleanse the large intestines of accumulated waste and rancid toxins. Filtered water is introduced into the colon softening and loosening waste to be evacuated through peristalsis (smooth muscle contractions). Colon Hydrotherapy permits other organs of elimination “skin, lungs, liver and kidneys” to function more effectively, which provides detoxification of the cells throughout the body to improve absorption and assimilation throughout the body.
In fact, most people are carrying around 8 – 22 undigested meals in their colon that will cause your abdomen to distend along with discomfort. This waste material is rancid and being reabsorbed by the intestines causing the onset of other health conditions overtime. Colonics help relieve common conditions of constipation, bloating, heartburn, acid reflux, assimilation of food, absorption, reduce stress to name a few. A healthy colon will help to support and improve your overall health.
Colonic Benefits
The colonic benefits range depending on the overall health of an individual. The most important benefit of a colonic is to assist the body in elimination of built up accumulated waste in the large intestine or constipation. Constipation impairs normal flow of elimination and can contribute to disorders of the skin, digestive system, cause indigestion, and decrease overall well being. It is safe and effective way to help restore natural balance without the use of harsh chemicals and other products.
What to expect?
NLWC has created a private, serene and nurturing environment so that you can relax during your colonic. You will be lying down, undressed from waist down, and completely draped at all times. Warm water flows through a small sterile one use disposable tube that is inserted into your colon. A small amount of gentle massage aids in the release of accumulated waste and toxins. NLWC will provide excellent service while building a better happier and healthier you.
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